Popular Bigg Boss contestant and model-actress Sonali Raut who is known for her bold image recently raised the hotness quotient on her Instagram page. The actress seems to have given the perfect Valentine's gift to her fans as she shared a series on hot clicks posing in a pink bikini and black shorts.

The bold and beautiful actress, who has been missing from the screen is taking the internet by storm with her latest bikini pictures.

Sonali can be seen taking a dip in the pool and posing in bright pink bikini with poise and confidence.

She captioned the pic: The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire🏊‍♀️🌝🌞🌟!!!!
#sunset #nature #water #pool #blue #wind

She shared another set of pictures with a caption: Home is where the pool is!!!
#swim #pool #water #bluenpink #sexy

In 2010, the model turned actress won the modelling assignment in the annual Kingfisher Calendar. The 28-year-old model is an Instagram enchantress in true sense and these pics are a proof!

On the professional front, Sonali was last seen in the horror comedy film Great Grand Masti.

She rose to fame in 2014 when she participated in Colors TV reality show Bigg Boss season 8.