Pooja, who played the lead role of 'Saanchi' in another Star Plus show 'Ruk Jana Nahi', tied the knot with the show's director Pushkar Pandit 22nd February 2016 and the couple is now very excited and is waiting for their little munchkin.
Pooja Sharma in 'Ruk Jana Nahi'
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Pooja Sharma announced the good news on Instagram by posting a pic with hubby Pushkar in which she is happily flaunting her baby bump. The picture has been captioned as, "Finally we can reveal why we have not been posting that many pictures lately ;) It's probably the biggest moment of our lives and we are extremely excited to announce that our bundle of joy will be arriving pretty soon :) #preggers #pregnancyanouncement #blessed #grateful".
Check out the picture here:
Pregnant Deepika Singh flaunts Baby Bump taking a stroll on a beach! MORE PICS!
Pooja has played a variety of roles in her shows. While, she played a positive character in 'Ruk Jana Nahi', she has also played strong negative roles in 'Diya Aur Baati Hum' and 'Tu Mera Hero'.
Here's a video of Pooja from 'Diya Aur Baati Hum':
Congratulations to the couple!