New Delhi: Television couple Dipika Kakar and Shoaib Ibrahim, who recently became parents of a baby boy, took to Instagram on Friday to post their first picture with their newborn son Ruhaan. In the picture, Shoaib is seen holding his son while Deepika kisses his hands as they both look lovingly at him. 

Ruhaan was born prematurely on June 21. Dipika had an emergency C-section delivery and the newborn was in NICU for 20 days. While sharing the picture, she wrote, “RUHAAN. Thank you for keeping him in your prayers.”  

Both Dipika and Shoaib vlogs about their life on YouTube and have a huge fan base. Earlier, Shoaib had posted a video when the couple had brought their son home from NICU. The had also revealed his name in the same video. 

The name was announced via bright lights given to each family member, who took turns and held the lit letters in front of them to reveal the name. Making the announcement, they all loudly said Ruhaan. Shoaib shared that Dipika liked the name Ruhaan and she chose it. 

In the video, Dipika said, "I am very happy. Bohot sukoon hai ki ghar aa gaye hain (There is a lot relief that we are going back home). There is a different glow on my face today despite being sleep deprived. Shoaib and I haven’t slept at all."   

Dipika, overwhelmed with the love her son is being showered with from their family, said, "As a mother, when you see everybody is so happy. I am overwhelmed with all the emotions after holding strong for so long. Also, he is very lucky as we keep saying that we are blessed for all the blessings and prayers you all have showered on him. As a mother, I can say thank you. All this wouldn’t have been possible without my husband’s support."