New Delhi: This wedding year is giving us some strong wedding goals. After Divyanka Tripathi –VivekDahiya , Sambhavna Seth-Avinash Dwivedi , Sidhhant Karnick-Megha Gupta, Hunar Hale-Mayank Gandhi, Vinny Arora-Dheeraj Dhoopar, Gaurav Khanna-Akanksha Chamola, another TV actress is set to join the badwagon. TV actress Dimple Jhangiani is set to get married next month.
Amrit Manthan actress is going to tie knot on 9th December with Diamond Merchant Sunny Asrani. As per the report of an entertainment portal, their wedding will be a Sindhin wedding. There will be a grand reception on 10th December.
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Sunny was Dimple’s family friend and both met during a party and started talking to each other. Within a month, they were sure that they want to stay together for the rest of their lives. Dimple revealed that Sunny’s simplicity attracted her.
Congratulation to the couple!