‘Dil Hai Hindustani 2’ has been entertaining the television viewers since July 7 and the show aired its much-awaited grand finale on Sunday (September 30). The contestants, who were vying for the winner’s trophy included Soumya Sharma, Akshay Dhawan, The Mountain Souls Ft. Gaurdeep and Radha Shrivastav & Divyansh. Fans were eagerly waiting to know which contestant or Jodi will win the second season of the popular singing reality show and in the end it was Akshay Dhawan who lifted the winner's trohy.

Akshay Dhawan won the second season of ‘Dil Hai Hindustani’ by defeating the other three finalists of the show.

As soon as the  rapper from Ludhiana was announced as the winner of ‘Dil Hai Hindustani 2’, the audience in the studio started applauding for him.

Akshay Dhawan has been appreciated by the three judges Sunidhi Chauhan, Pritam Chakraborty and Badshah for his amazing rapping style. The singer has garnered a significant fan following over the course of the show.

The singing show hosted by Mukti Mohan and Raghav Juyal will be replaced by Remo D’Souza ‘Dance Plus 4’ at 8pm slot from October 6 on Star plus.

Team Filmy Monkey congratulates Akshay Dhawan for winning the DHH 2 and we hope he continues to entertain us with his talent.

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