Sony Entertainment Television's upcoming show, 'Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai,' is a thought-provoking series that follows Nandini's journey, portrayed by Meera Deosthale. Nandini, deeply rooted in tradition, takes a stand against beliefs that undermine the dignity of women. The show sheds light on the prevalent issue of Dahej Pratha in society, with Nandini challenging her father-in-law, Hemraj Ratanshi, played by Dharmesh Vyas, and making a powerful demand – "mujhe mera dahej waapas chahiye" (I want my dowry back).
Dharmesh Vyas, who is a celebrated figure in the Hindi and Gujarati entertainment industry, is known for his versatility in acting and directing. In the show, Vyas steps into the role of Hemraj Ratanshi. Hemraj embodies conservatism and reflects the patriarchal norms prevailing in society.
Speaking about the concept of the show and his character, Hemraj, actor Dharmesh Vyas shared, “Some characters are created to underline what should not be done in society, such is the character of Hemraj. While I am against this crime which is disguised in the name of tradition, portraying Hemraj has been a monumental challenge as well as an opportunity for me to create awareness and build a conversation against such practices. Hemraj Ratanshi is a hardcore businessman who marches to the beat of his drum; he's truly an enigma, with his actions and thoughts often veering into unpredictable territory. I've transformed myself physically for this role, growing out my beard and graying my hair so that I can effectively bring out the cold and calculative nature of this character.Portraying the character of Hemraj is the biggest role of my life because it challenges my own character."
"Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai" is set to start airing from 19th February. The show will be telecasted from Monday to Friday at 8.30 PM on Sony Entertainment Television.