New Delhi: The ongoing storyline of 'Dabangii – Mulgi Aayi Re Aayi' on Sony Entertainment Television continues to captivate audiences with Arya's relentless pursuit to reunite with her father amidst a web of secrets and complicated relationships that have turned her world upside down. In recent developments, Satya discovers the startling truth that Arya is his daughter, leaving him in disbelief. However, he faces a difficult choice when Kasturi's manipulative actions drive him to turn against Arya. Amidst the chaos, Arya's uncle and foster father, Ankush, sacrifices himself to protect her, leaving Arya to grapple with the betrayal within her family.
As the plot progresses, the narrative takes a 14-year leap, thrusting Arya into a new phase of her journey filled with vengeance. Rachana Mistry steps into the role of the older Arya, now known as Aira, driven by a desire for justice as she seeks retribution for the murders of her mother, Chhaya, and her uncle Ankush.
Talking about playing the role of a grown-up Arya, Rachana Mistry shared, "Arya embodies the same Dabangii spirit from her childhood, yet her maturity now grants her a deeper understanding of the world. Her acts of kindness and empathy illuminate her path, prioritizing human connection over material pursuits; a reflection of all that her Baba, Ankush, has taught her. Despite the deep loss she has gone through, Arya's courage remains steadfast, fueled by a quest to face Satya, to avenge the death of her parents and his wrongdoings. The show and Arya’s character have been loved by all; embracing this role comes with great responsibility, following the benchmark set by the little dynamite Maahi Bhadra. This journey promises new depths for me to explore as an actor because Arya has a lot of layers to her, and I hope to do justice in this new chapter of Arya’s life."
Dabangii - Mulgii Aayi Re Aayi will witness the 14-year leap, starting 14th February, at 8 PM, only on Sony Entertainment Television!