Popular TV actress Roshni Chopra recently gave birth to her second child a baby boy. The new mom is thrilled to embrace motherhood again and gave glimpse of her newborn baby to her fans on Sunday.

WATCH: Pregnant TV Actress Roshni Chopra’s Baby Shower

The 'Comedy Nights With Kapil' actress  who has been keeping busy with the new baby, posted an adorable picture of  her son with a really cute caption.

Roshni and husband Siddharth Anand Kumar have named their newborn Reyaan.

Pregnant Shveta Salve FLAUNTS her growing BABY BUMP in a BIKINI!

The couple has been happily married for 10 years now and already have a 3-year old son named Jaiveer.

Roshni shot to fame from Zee TV's hit show 'Kasam Se'