New Delhi: Popular TV actress Mahhi Vij, who is fondly known for playing the role of Nakusha opposite Mishal Raheja in Colors TV’s ‘Laagi Tujhse Lagan’, has turned a year older on Wednesday. Although, Mahhi couldn’t celebrate the birthday in grand manner due to the lockdown in the country, she spent quality time with her family members on her special day.

Several ‘Bigg Boss 13’ contestants including Rashami Desai, Arti Singh and Shehnaaz Gill wished Mahhi Vij on her birthday. Arti shared a throwback photo along with a heartfelt post on social media.

“Happy birthday baby. May God give you all the happiness. Well he has given you the best blessing ever that is TARA. But I want you to be happy and successful more then ever. You have always been there for me no matter what. Also thank you for everything. I will and always love you @mahhivij #HappyBirthday #ThrowbackPicture,” the caption for the post read.

Rashami Desai and Shehnaaz Gill also wished Mahhi on their Instagram story. Check out their posts!

(Source- Instagram)

(Source- Instagram)

Jay Bhanushali also posted a sweet wish for his wife Mahhi on social media. The ‘Kayamath’ actor shared a photo of his ladylove with their daughter Tara Bhanushali along with the caption, “Happy Birthday to one of the few people whose Birthday I can remember without facebook reminder...I love you @mahhivij this is the best Birthday day because it's your first with @tarajaybhanushali and second its #lockdownindia so I saved a lot of money Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joy #birthdaygirl.”

Here’s wishing a very happy birthday to Mahhi Vij!

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