A video from 'Naagin 4' sets is doing the rounds on social media in which Rashami Desai is co-operating with lab officials as she gets screened for Coronavirus. The 'Uttaran' & 'Dil Se Dil Tak' star is looking beautiful in a saree. In the video, Rashami asks if the results are normal after being checked. The man, who checked her, says yes in return post which the actress gets happy and winks at the end of the video.
Coronavirus Outbreak: 66-Year-Old Anup Jalota Kept In Isolation At Mumbai Hotel As He Returns From London!
Watch the video below:
Speaking about her 'Naagin 4' character at a recent event, Rashami shared, "I consider myself lucky to get an important role in 'Naagin 4'. It's a different character for me. I am quite excited to explore supernatural space."
Featuring Nia Sharma in lead role, ' Naagin 4' went on-air in December last year and is fetching decent numbers. However, the show hasn't matched-up to the ratings of previous seasons till now.
Coming back to Coronavirus outbreak in India, the total number of positive cases shot up to 126 on Tuesday, as 11 fresh cases were detected after Monday. The total of 125 cases also include foreign nationals. On Monday the total number of cases were detected to be 114.
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