New Delhi: Popular TV producer Rashmi Sharma is on the cloud nine right now. The reason for her happiness isn’t any of her TV serial but it is bigger than that. As per reports, Rashmi has been blessed with twin sons with husband Pawan Kumar. According to report in India Forums, “Congratulations are in order for acclaimed Producer Rashmi Sharma and her husband Pawan Kumar. The couple, who has been married for 6 years now welcomed their twin sons on the 16th of August.”
Talking to the portal, Rashmi said, “Yes we welcomed our twins on 16th August and we are very happy and excited for this new phase in our life.”
Well, the portal also reported that couple have named their twins as Shashank and Shivam.
On a related note, Rashmi Sharma has produced show like Sasural Simar Ka, Shakti- Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki, Saath Nibhana Sathiya, Santoshi Maa and Swaragini.
Congratulations to Rashmi Sharma and Pawan Kumar.