Bhojpuri Actress Sambhavna Seth, known for her stint in popular reality show 'Bigg Boss', is reportedly upset with husband Avinash Dwivedi over his intimate scenes with 'Kamasutra' girl Sherlyn Chopra in the upcoming film 'Chameli'
(Photo: Instagram)
Although, Sambhavna was aware about the concept of the film but she had no idea that Avinash will have to do such bold scenes in the film with Sherlyn Chopra. Sambhavna Seth, who never had any inhibitions doing sexy scenes herself in her films, says that she was definitely upset as any other wife would be.
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Hot pic of Sherlyn and Avinash (Photo: Bollywood Life)
Speaking on the same, Sambhavna told Bollywood Life that, "Yes, of course I am upset looking at these pictures. But Avinash is a thorough professional and this is part of his job, so I understand he has to stay true to his character and do what the director has asked him to do. But I am his wife so these images have definitely disturbed for sure."
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Sambhavna Seth in 'Bigg Boss Halla Bol' (Photo: Colors)
Speaking about Sambhavna, Avinash told Daily Bhaskar that, "Sambhavna knew that I will be required to do bold scenes with Sherlyn but she wasn’t expecting that it will turn out so intense. I understand that being a wife she would feel bad but at the end we both belong to the same industry. She loved the script and I am glad to get so much support from her."
The film revolves around the two characters; Firangi and Chameli, played by Avinash and Sherlyn respectively. The entire film revolves around their love story and the struggle to achieve their dreams.