Orry, whose real name is Orhan Awatraman, has been the talk of the town for a few months as he has been seen in almost all Bollywood parties hobnobbing with Bollywood celebs across all generations. The social media sensation has now entered Bigg Boss 17 as a wild card contestant. During his interaction with the host Salman Khan, Orry shared that he has five managers to take care of his party invites, leaving the actor speechless. 

In the latest promo, Orry was seen entering the house and was seen introducing himself to the contestants by saying, “Namaste darshako. Mera naam Orry hai.” 

Ankita Lokhande gave a warm hug to Orry. 

On the show, Salman asked a question to Orry, which was asked by an internet user who wrote on X, “Does Orry get money to attend the parties?” Replying to this, Orry said that he does not get money but the event organisers call him. He further revealed that he has five managers, leaving Salman stumped and amused. Salman then jokes and says, "Salman Khan kuch kar ley life mein, iske paas paanch managers hain."

Questions about what Orry does have been doing the rounds on social media. Salman took the matter of what he does into his own hands. To which, Orry replied to the star that he does a lot of things and shared, “I wake up with sun and go to sleep with the moon.” 

Orry was wearing a black tshirt with ‘I am a Liver’ written on it. The word is in reference to his latest video that went viral where Orry explained what he does in life and said that he is living. He said, "You go for a job, you are a jobber. You paint, you are a painter. I am living, I am a liver. Yeah, I am a liver." 

Earlier, Orry boasted about his work ethic in an interview with a fashion publication. When questioned whether he is a regular 9 to 5 guy, he stated he spends his time improving himself by going to the gym and doing yoga.