New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and the team of 'Bigg Boss 15' dedicated the Sunday Weekend Ka Vaar episode to late actor Sidharth Shukla. The makers of the reality show paid a tribute to the 'Bigg Boss 13' winner on his 41st birth anniversary. Sidharth, who defeated Asim Riaz, Shehnaaz Gill and Rashami Desai, to win 'BB 13', earned a significant fan following during his stint in the show.
Salman remembered Sidharth on his birth anniversary and called him 'irreplaceable'. “Today is the birthday of a Bigg Boss winner, who is no more. We dedicate this episode to you. The irreplaceable Sidharth Shukla. You left us too soon buddy. Missing you and wishing you on this special day,” Salman said while addressing the viewers.
The official Instagram handle of Colors TV shared the promo along with the caption, "aakhon dilon ki dhadkan, muskurata hua unka mann. Kaha humein alvida jaldi, we dedicate this episode to the one and only Sidharth Shukla."
Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. Check out the post!
Sidharth Shukla became a household name after playing the role of Shiv in 'Balika Vadhu'. He ruled millions of hearts while participating in 'Bigg Boss 13'. His sizzling chemistry with Shehnaaz Gill and fights with Asim Riaz-Rashami Desai grabbed several eyeballs. After winning the reality show, he went on to star in several music videos and one web series. The 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 7' winner made his digital debut with 'Broken But Beautiful 3'.
The 'Dil Se Dil Tak' actor passed away after suffering a heart attack on September 2, 2021. He is survived by his mother and two sisters.
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