New Delhi: Salman Khan’s popular reality show ‘Bigg Boss’ is back with its 14th season. The show started to air from October 3 and since then it has been making the headlines for the controversies it created amongst the contestants. This season of ‘Bigg Boss’ has witnessed some major changes inside the house starting from the in-house mall, restaurant and spa to the entry of ‘Toofani Seniors’ – Sidharth Shukla, Hina Khan, and Gauahar Khan.
ALSO READ| ‘Bigg Boss 14’: Sidharth Shukla Denies Friendship With Hina Khan; Says ‘Let’s Get Real, We Are Not Friends’
Recently, the contestants were given a task to complete so that they can earn their personal belongings where Jasmin Bhasin and Nikki Tamboli had to lock horns with each other. It was a very tough competition and at last, Sidharth Shukla called it a draw even though the other two seniors Hina and Gauahar felt that Jasmin Bhasin was the winner. The difference in opinions amongst the seniors led to a spat and finally, Jasmin Bhasin was declared as the winner of the mentioned task.
After the winner was declared, Rubina Dilaik came forward and hugged Jasmin Bhasin saying ‘Women Power’.
Sidharth could not stand what the ‘Shakti’ actress said and lashed back at her saying ‘You mean, the match was between women, and I lost, your definition of women power sucks.’ He further added, ‘Stop bullshi***ng and degrading women. Women like you are powerless and women power doesn't come over here.’
When Jasmin Bhasin went to Shukla to defend Rubina, he said that Dilaik is highly mistaken and Nikki Tamboli too is a woman. Toofani senior Sidharth also claimed that the ‘Chhoti Bahu’ actress is lying and that she is very selective in her responses. He said that when he tried to confront her, she did not react, and now when everyone is saying this is not about women empowerment, she is changing her statement.
Recently, Rahul Vaidya also age-shamed Eijaz Khan during the same task calling him ‘Chacha’ which upset Hina Khan and Gauahar Khan as they were heard discussing that it was not right on the part of the singer to comment on the ‘Kkavyanjali’ actor’s age.
ALSO READ| ‘Bigg Boss 14’: Rahul Vaidya Calls Eijaz Khan ‘Chacha’; Toofani Seniors Hina Khan And Gauahar Khan Upset With The Comment
Stay tuned for more updates!
‘Bigg Boss 14’: Sidharth Shukla Hits Back At Rubina Dilaik’s Definition Of Women Empowerment; Says ‘Stop Bullshi***ng And Degrading Women’
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
17 Oct 2020 11:28 AM (IST)
Recently, the contestants were given a task to complete so that they can earn their personal belongings where Jasmin Bhasin and Nikki Tamboli had to lock horns with each other. Read on to know full details.
Image courtesy - Sidharth Shukla (@realsidharthshukla/Instagram), Rubina Dilaik (@rubinadilaik/Instagram
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