New Delhi: The biggest reality show on Indian television is all set to hit the airwaves on Colors channel. We are talking about ‘Bigg Boss 14’. The new season has been making waves ever since the first promo was unveiled. The makers of the show have decided to bring former contestants Sidharth Shukla, Gauahar Khan and Hina Khan as special guests on ‘Bigg Boss 2020’. After a blockbuster season thirteen, the production house and channel are hoping to re-create the same magic.

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When you have two former winners under one roof, you can expect some fireworks, isn’t it? Sidharth and Gauahar got into war of words on the premiere episode of ‘Bigg Boss 14’. Ardent fans of the show would know that ‘Bigg Boss 7’ winner Gauahar Khan had expressed her disappointment over Sidharth’s behaviour inside the ‘BB 13’ house. She had posted a series of tweets last year to condemn the ‘Balika Vadhu’ actor’s antics.

The makers have shared a clip on social media in which Gauahar can be seen reading her tweets in front of Salman, Sidharth and Hina. ‘Bigg Boss 13’ winner Sidharth strongly reacted to Gauahar’s comment on him which led to war of words between the two. Hina Khan looked uncomfortable and said that she won’t judge some on the basis of a reality show.

Sidharth didn't take kindly to Gauahar's 'Gali ka gunda' comment and said that he is like this in real life. Gauahar responded by saying that he should listen to others. Check out the video!

Sidharth, Hina and Gauahar will reportedly stay inside the ‘Bigg Boss 2020’ house for two weeks. They are expected to play a major role, which will be revealed on the premiere episode.

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Talking about the show, ‘Bigg Boss 14’ will feature the likes of Jasmin Bhasin, Rubina Dilaik, Abhinav Shukla, Nikki Tamboli, Eijaz Khan and Jaan Kumar Sanu. The makers have decided to introduce several new facilities including a spa, mini-theatre, mall and restaurant. The housemates will be able to enjoy the facilities after winning the tasks assigned by ‘Bigg Boss’.

Don’t miss to catch the minute-by-minute updates of ‘Bigg Boss 14’ grand premiere episode. You can read the updates by clicking this link.

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