New Delhi: Salman Khan's 'Bigg Boss 14' has been entertaining the viewers with its drama-packed episodes since the past two-and-a-half months. Although, the popular reality show has not been able to create magic in terms of TRPs, it has created buzz on social media. The entry of six new challengers added the much-needed tadka in the show, which was missing earlier. Unlike the last season which emerged as a blockbuster, 'Bigg Boss 2020' has failed to capture a spot in the list of top rated shows.

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The makers of the show are leaving no stone unturned to spice up things. From bringing challengers and evicted contestants to giving new tasks, the creatives have tried everything possible to grab eyeballs. If a recent report in an entertainment portal is to be believed, the channel is planning to extend 'Bigg Boss 14' till March 2021.

We had earlier informed you that 'Bigg Boss 14' will air its grand finale episode in February 2021. As per the latest buzz, the makers are planning to introduce more twists to keep the viewers invested. They might rope in another former contestant to increase the ratings for the show.

Salman Khan is expected to host the extended version of the show. It remains to be seen if the extension turns out to be successful or not as the current numbers have remained average.

"Now, with so many contestants and no evictions last week, plus a mew contestant's entry, it seems that Bigg Boss 14 is headed for an almost 150 day long haul. The finale seems to be happening around March now. There are also rumours of getting another ex-contestant of this season back in the game, so there's only more to the crowd," a source told Pinkvilla.

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On a related note, all contestants except Vikas Gupta have been nominated for elimination this week. The contestants landed in trouble after Aly Goni and Nikki Tamboli discussed the nominations, which is strictly prohibited inside the 'BB 14' house. As a result, Rakhi Sawant, Rubina Dilaik, Jasmin Bhasin,  Abhinav Shukla, Arshi Khan, Rahul Mahajan, Sonali Phogat, Eijaz Khan and Rahul Vaidya also got nominated along with Aly and Nikki.

There are high chances of a double eviction on the 'Weekend Ka Vaar' episode. The viewers will have to wait a little to see which contestant will get eliminated from the show.

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