New Delhi: Salman Khan’s popular reality show ‘Bigg Boss 14’ managed to grab several eyeballs with its controversial content. The fights inside the ‘BB14’ house created a buzz on social media every now and then. Though the 14th season of ‘Bigg Boss’ is over and the audience found its winner in TV actress Rubina Dilaik, the show somehow still manages to gain attention.
After coming out of ‘BB14’, contestant Jasmin Bhasin was spotted enjoying quality time with her beau Aly Goni. The actress, who is quite active on social media platforms shared a cryptic post earlier today about some people’ who are ‘great manipulators’. Netizens slammed Jasmin for this cryptic tweet saying that she should move on as Bigg Boss is over.
Take a look at some of the reactions here:
Jasmin Bhasin was quick to hit back at the trolls as she shared a tweet saying that she has ‘nothing against any contestant’. Her tweet read, “Ok so let me make one thing clear, bigg boss was an amazing journey which has filled my personal and professional life with happiness and success but the show is over now and I am grateful for everything that the show has given me and I have absolutey nothing against any contestant as life is about moving on and starting new journeys. So I request people to stop relating my actions, posts or tweets with any contestant from the show. In short “udte teer”pakadne band kardo yaar. Chill karo aur khush raho”.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Jasmin and Aly’s song ‘Tera Suit’ by Tony Kakkar is all set to release tomorrow.
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