Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill's bond on the ongoing Bigg Boss 13 has been one of the biggest highlights of the show and their recent parting away left the BB 13 fans very disturbed too. Shehnaaz moved back to Paras Chhabra's team after the entry of 6 wild card contestant which included her arch rival from Punjab, actor-model-singer Himanshi Khurana. Shehnaaz aka 'Punjabi ki Katrina Kaif' even confessed to Salman Khan during latest Weekend Ka Vaar episodes that she feels possessive towards Sidharth and was hurt by him initially when he ignored her she believes. Sidharth on the other hand has been shown to be clueless over Shehnaaz's sudden U-turn.

She has been trying to patch up with Sidharth all this while too saying that all who mattered to her in that group was Sidharth himself and she could be seen missing him at times.

If you remember.. Shehnaaz also tried to go and kiss Sidharth while he was asleep after Arti Singh(the then captain of the house) gave a her a go ahead since the former was too keen to get back with Sidharth. That did not however end up well as Sidharth was completely spooked out when Shehnaaz touched his hand. The hilarious bit in the video left fans in splits.

Sidharth has often used "bachchi" while referring to Shehnaaz saying he feels protective about her but this was before she changed colors.

And now finally after the latest Weekend Ka Vaar episode, Shehnaaz has made yet another attempt and succeeded this time.

Shehnaaz was sitting with Shefali Jariwala and Khesari Lal Yadav in the night, talking about Sidharth. She said, "mujhe Sidharth ki yaad aati hai. I miss him! Mere sath jaise baatein karta tha na wo mere ko samajhta tha.. attention detaa tha mere ko."

Shefali says to her, "Jaa, jaa ke baat kar!"

And she gets up, starts moving towards the bedroom heading for Sidharth's bed. Sidharth happens to notice her and while she is seemingly walking away again, he pulls her towards him hard and she falls on him. The two cuddle adorably and then are seen sleeping holding each other in the end of the video clip shared by Bigg Boss verified handle a while back.

Check out the really cute promo video and we bet it will melt your hearts: 

And fans are jumping in joy seeing their #SidNaaz jodi back with some finding it difficult to believe given the nature of their fav Sidharth Shukla.

ALSO | "Ask Us To Act As Lesbians" -Himanshi Khurana's Comment Making Allegations On BB Goes Viral, Manager Claims The Screenshot Is Fake!

Here's how they are reacting: 

Sidhrarth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill hug each other in bed and the Bigg Boss 13 fans are super happy

The mastermind of this season Sidharth is however not going to completely trust Shehnaaz now and with them getting together again it would be interesting to see if Shehnaaz sticks by Sidharth's side now or wavers again.

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