Popular reality show 'Bigg Boss 13', hosted by superstar Salman Khan, recently saw the entry of six wild-card contestants - Vikas Fhatak aka Hindustani Bhau, Shefali Zariwala, Arhaan Khan, Himanshi Khurana, Khesari Lal Yadav and Tehseen Poonawala after first finale. Whereas, Rashami Desai & Devoleena Bhattacharjee's eviction with Shefali Bagga shocked the viewers. Here's another shocking update from 'Bigg Boss 13' as Sidharth Shukla will be thrown out of the reality show due to physical violence.

Yes, you read that right!

As shown in the precap video after last night's (4th November) 'Bigg Boss 13' episode, the housemates will be seen battling it out with each other for captaincy in this week's task named 'BB Transport Services'. As shown in the video, Sidharth Shukla gets aggressive during the task due to which Mahira Sharma falls down and gets hurt. 'Bigg Boss' then slams Sidharth Shukla for his violent behaviour and eliminates him by saying, "Jis prakaar Sidharth ne josh mein chheena jhapti ki wo sarasar nindaniya hai. Bigg Boss khud Sidharth ko ghar se beghar karte hain."

Bigg Boss 13: "He Once Came Over To My House.."- Sidharth Shukla's Late 'Balika Vadhu' Co-Star Pratyusha Banerjee's Mom Speaks On His Good Relationship With Daughter

Watch tonight's preview of 'Bigg Boss 13' below:

The announcement has come as a shocker for Sidharth's 'BB 13' co-contestants as well as fans. However, latest buzz suggests that Sidharth is not bidding goodbye to the reality show. Reportedly, Sidharth has been sent to the secret room where he will join Rashami Desai and Devoleena Bhattacharjee.

However, it is not yet confirmed and it'll be interesting to see if it is true or the makers wil

Let's see if this is true or there is some other twist in the tale.

Stay tuned for more 'BB 13' updates!

UPDATE - Bigg Boss 13: Here’s the truth behind Sidharth Shukla’s eviction over aggressive behavior, NOT ELIMINATED but given this punishment!