New Delhi: Salman Khan’s ‘Bigg Boss 13’ has managed to keep the viewers on the edge of their TV seats with its drama-packed episodes. Sidharth Shukla and Asim Riaz hogged all the limelight last week, all thanks to their constant fights. Host Salman Khan reprimanded both the ‘BB 13’ contestants for their actions. Love it or hate it but one can’t ignore that ‘BB 13’ is creating a lot of buzz.

After Sidharth and Asim, another contestant is grabbing a lot of eyeballs. We are talking about Shehnaaz Gill. The Punjabi singer has won several hearts with her cute antics. Her friendship with Sidharth Shukla and Paras Chhabra has also set many tongues wagging.

WATCH: When ‘Bigg Boss 13’ Contestants Sidharth & Rashami REVEALED Each Other’s SECRETS 

While some fans have called Shehnaaz an entertainer, another section of fans have termed her ‘fake’. Shehnaaz Gill’s brother Shehbaz Gill opened up about her sister’s special bond Sidharth in ‘BB 13’ while talking to an entertainment portal.

Shehbaaz made an interesting statement and said that Shehnaaz is with Paras Chhabra for the sake of game but with Sidharth, it is only friendship for her.

"Shehnaaz is an entertainer. She is her real self inside. She is not pretending to be something else inside. Koi bache jaise behave nahi kar rahi hai woh. She is with Paras for the sake of the game but with Sidharth, it is a friendship for her. She is asking everything to Sidharth before taking any decision. Shehnaaz shares a great bond with Sidharth. There is nothing like that with Paras," Shehbaaz told Pinkvilla.

On a related note, Shehnaaz Gill has been nominated for eviction along with Mahira Sharma, Paras Chhabra, Arti Singh, Shefali Jariwala and Hindustani Bhau. It remains to be seen how will bid adieu to the ‘Bigg Boss 13’ house this week.

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