Hosted by Salman Khan, Colors TV's hit reality show 'Bigg Boss 13' will finally come to an end later this week on February 15. Seven contestants - Rashami Desai, Asim Riaz, Shehnaz Kaur Gill, Sidharth Shukla, Arti Singh, Paras Chhabra & Mahira Sharma are currently locked inside the 'Bigg Boss' house. Post the grand finale of 'BB 13', fans are surely going to miss seeing their favourite contestants on their TV screens. Recently, various reports suggested that the channel is planning Shehnaaz's swayamvar show title 'Shehnaaz Gill Ki Shaadi'. However, Shehnaaz's brother Shehbaz recently revealed that they have rejected the offer as of now.

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Post which, there was a buzz that after Shehnaaz's team's refusal, the makers are now thinking about Asim Riaz's swayamvar. Asim's elder brother Umar Riaz has finally reacted on the rumours regarding Asim's swayamvar show and called it "fake".

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Reacting on the same, Umar tweeted, "There is no news of #Asim doing svayamwar and i have not been approached for it. Fake news !#AsimRiazForTheWin"

Take a look at his post below:

Coming back to 'Bigg Boss 13', popular contestants Arti Singh, Shehnaaz & Mahira Sharm are still nominated and two of them are expected to bid goodbye to the show anytime in mid-week evictions. Now, it'll be interesting to see who will finally walk away with the winner's trophy of 'Bigg Boss 13'.

Keep watching this space for more updates!