Colors' 'Bigg Boss 13', hosted by Salman Khan, is one of the most-talked about reality shows on TV currently. With popular names like Sidharth Shukla, Rashami Desai, Devoleena Bhattacharjee among others as contestants, 'Bigg Boss 13' is performing well on TRP charts and the show even entered BARC's top 10 list last week. 'BB 13' contestants are trying their level best to establish themselves as strong contenders and to survive in the game. After Khesari Lal Yadav's eviction, the 'Bigg Boss' contestants successfully entered another week which began with another interesting nomination task.

As shown in yesterday's (25th November), the garden area had scarecrows placed and each contestant had to stand behind their statues as a part of the nomination process. Each contestant nominated two co-contestants for eviction this week by stabbing a knife into their scarecrow.

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In the task, BB13's current captain Himanshi Khurrana had the power to directly nominate one contestant for eviction and she took Mahira Sharma's name. With interesting revelations, other contestants too made the nomination task interesting by taking some unexpected names.

Sidharth Shukla nominated Shefali Jariwala-Rashami Desai, Rashami nominated Hindustani Bhau-Shehnaaz Gill, Arti Singh nominated Paras Chhabra-Vishal Aditya Singh, Bhau nominated Rashami-Devoleena, Paras nominated Shefali-Arti, Asim nominated Shehnaaz-Paras, Mahira nominated Shefali-Arti, Shefali nominated Paras-Shehnaaz, Shehnaaz nomiated Shefali-Arti, Devoleena nominated Bhau-Shehnaaz and Vishal nominated Bhau & Shefali.

Hence, the final nominated contestants are Mahira, Paras, Shehnaaz, Arti, Shefali and Hindustani Bhau.

Now, it'll be interesting to see who will finally bid goodbye to the reality show this week.

Stay tuned for more 'BB 13' updates!