New Delhi: Salman Khan’s ‘Bigg Boss 13’ has managed to keep the viewers on the edge of their TV seats. The popular reality show has secured the number seven spot in the latest set of BARC TRP ratings. After drama-packed episodes, the makers are all set to make the fans teary-eyed with the ‘family special’ week. Family members of the ‘Bigg Boss 13’ contestants will enter the house and interact with them.

Ardent fans have been eagerly waiting to see the reunion of Asim Riaz and his brother Umar Riaz. Umar’s entry will be shown in tonight’s episode. He would tell Asim to take Salman Khan’s feedback positively and focus on winning the trophy of ‘Bigg Boss 13’.

Umar also met Sidharth Shukla and contrary to what others thought, he didn’t slam the ‘Balika Vadhu’ actor.  Asim and Sidharth’s fight got ugly inside the ‘BB 13’ house and it grabbed several eyeballs.

‘’Aapki friendship sabko pasand thi. Mujhe aisa laga jaise main bada bhai hu, aap andar bade bhai ho. Ye bhi gusse wala hai, actually personality aap dono ki ek jaise hai. Both need to take care of it,” Umar told Sidharth Shukla.

Umar also praised Rashami Desai for supporting Asim Riaz. Check out the video posted by Colors channel on Twitter and Instagram!

Umar also reshared the video on Instagram along with the caption, "Brothers united ! I was so overwhelmed to see @asimriaz77.official after 3 months. Couldnt control my emotions. I hope i delivered the message and lived upto his fan’s expectations coz he is today because of his fans."

On a related note, Sidharth Shukla's mother, Mahira Sharma's mother, Shehnaaz Gill's father also entered the 'BB 13' house as part of the task.

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