Controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss 12', hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, recently saw the entry of two new wild-card contestants - Rohit Suchanti & first 'Bigg Boss' Marathi winner Megha Dhade. After their entry, the housemates fought against each other in the luxury budget task named 'BB Poultry farm'. Megha, Deepak Thakur & Somi Khan emerged as the captaincy contenders after the task & were seen competing to win captaincy. As reported earlier, Deepak will be the new captain of 'BB 12' house. After which, the housemates will be seen nominating three contestants to serve the jail punishment in tonight's (26th October) episode.

'BB 12' contestants during 'BB Poultry Farm Task' (Photo: Colors)

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Well, the name of contestants who'll be serving 'kaal kothri' punishment this week are out!

According to the latest promo, the contestants nominated by housemates for 'kaal kothri' punishment are S. Sreesanth, Jasleen Matharu and Shivashish Mishra. Check out the promo below:

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As seen in the video, Sreesanth & Jasleen will not accept the decision of other housemates & will get angry over the same. Jasleen will be seen arguing with new captain Deepak & Surbhi Rana whereas Sreesanth too will get into an argument with the ex 'Roadies' contestant.

Now, it'll be interesting to see if they'll finally accept the decision or not!

For the uninitiated, Sreesanth has served jail punishment in the 'Bigg Boss' house earlier as well. But, it'll be Jasleen & Shivashish's very first time inside the 'kaal kothri'.

Stay tuned for more updates!