New Delhi: Colors TV show Bigg Boss 12 had the most dramatic episode last day with the entry of Rohit Suchanti and Megha Dhade. But Sreesanth is still the most talked about contestant. He has been in news since the start of show, be it for good or bad reason.
Wild card entry Rohit has started ganging up with Romil and Deepak and wants to evict Sreesanth. On the other hand, Sreesanth has found a new friend in Jasleen Matharu. In the episode, audience can see Sree bonding with Jasleen.
But do you know that Sree gifted something special to Jasleen. Actually Sree was upset and when Jasleen talked to him, he gave him his precious bracelet.
ALSO READ: BIGG BOSS 12: Rohit Suchanti expressed his HATE for Sreesanth before entering the show
Now is this strategy or start of new friendship?
Romil tells then Rohit that earlier gave this bracelet to him but later on when he returned he gave it to Jasleen, so he doesn’t trust Sreesanth in the house. On a related note, this week Anup Jalota, Srishty Rode, Surbhi Rana and Saba Khan are nominated.