The twelfth season of controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss' witnessed no elimination as announced by show's host Salman Khan in yesterday's (11th November) episode of 'Weekend Ka Vaar' due to Diwali week. The announcement of no eviction came as a big relief for 'happy club' members & 'BB 12' contestants Surbhi Rana, Romil Choudhary, Deepak Thakur & Somi Khan who were the nominated contestants. As a new week starts in 'Bigg Boss 12', the nomination process for next eviction will take place in tonight's episode (12th November).

Salman in a still from BB 12' 'Weekend Ka Vaar' (Photo: Colors)

Bigg Boss 12: Ex winner Gauahar Khan SUPPORTS Dipika Kakar; says she was not partial towards Karanvir Bohra

As show in the latest promo of 'Bigg Boss 12', the housemates will be divided into a pair for this week's nomination process in which the two contestants will mutually discuss and get one of them nominated while the other will get safe. If the pair failed to decide one name mutually, both of them will get nominated . The pairs are S. Sreesanth-Surbhi Rana, Dipika Kakar-Megha Dhade, Shivashish Mishra-RohitSuchanti, Srishty Rode-Jasleen Matharu & Deepak Thakur-Somi Khan. Whereas, Karanvir Bohra (captain) & Romil Choudhary (winner of immunity task) are safe. It'll be an interesting task as the pairs will argue with each other to save themselves from getting nominated.

Check out the promo below:

Bigg Boss 12: Meet Romil Choudhary's son Rudhraksh Chaudhary aka OJ! See Pics!

Now, the names are out & total 7 contestants have got nominated for eviction this week. According to social media handle 'The Khabri', which gives inside scoops of 'Bigg Boss' house, the final nominated contestants are - S. Sreesanth (sacrificed for Surbhi), Dipika Kakar (sacrificed for Megha), Srishty Rode-Jasleen Matharu (both are nominated as they failed to decide one name among them), Shivashish Mishra-Rohit Suchanti (both are nominated as they failed to decide one name among them) & Deepak Thakur (sacrificed for Somi).

Who do you think should get evicted this week? Tell us in the comments section below!