The twelfth season of controversial reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, is in the news ever since it went on-air in September this year despite not doing too well on the TRP charts. It's Friday (7th December) & host Salman Khan will be back on our TV screens tonight as 'Weekend Ka Vaar' has been preponed because of the upcoming 'Family Task'. Salman has already shot for the episodes yesterday (6th December). 'Sultani Akhada' has always been one of the highlights of 'Weekend Ka Vaar' and the names of contestants who will be fighting it out in front of Salman this time are out too.

Bigg Boss 12: Jasleen vs Somi in Sultani Akhada; Here’s who won!
'Bigg Boss 12' contestants (Photo: Voot)

According to social media handle 'The Khabari', which gives inside scoops of 'Bigg Boss' house, Jasleen Matharu & Somi Khan will compete against each other in 'Sultani Akhada' this week. And, Jasleen will the winner.

THIS 'Bigg Boss 12' contestant signs her first Bollywood film after 2 days of eviction!

Jasleen & Somi indulged in a ugly fight this week when the later accused the former that she seeks support from the male contestants in the 'Bigg Boss' house to survive in the game. This irks Jasleen & then fight starts between the two. Later, Somi even apologized to Jasleen that she took her comment in the wrong context.

It'll definitely be interesting to see Jasleen & Somi's fight in the 'Sultani Akhada'!

Somi-Jasleen during 'BB Panchayat' taks (Photo: Colors)

Last week, no eviction took place but the nominated contestants were not declared safe. The eviction will take place this time among the five nominated contestants Jasleen Matharu, Dipika Kakar, Romil Chaudhary, Megha Dhade and Deepak Thakur. As reported earlier, 'BB 12' will witness the double eviction of Jasleen Matharu & Megha Dhade this time.

Also, Salman will be seen bashing housemates for their aggressive behavior. Check out the latest promo below:

Are you excited for 'Weekend Ka Vaar'? Tell us in the comments section below!