Bigg Boss 12 has managed to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats with its drama-packed episodes. The Salman Khan hosted show is synonymous with controversies, arguments and fights and it grabbed a lot of eyeballs during the last Weekend Ka Vaar episode. Farah Khan, who entered the BB 12 house, asked Romil Chaudhary and Srishty Rode to present their fun act. It was during the fun act that Romil and Srishty used the word ‘Bhaiyya-Saiyya’, which didn’t go well with Dipika Kakar.

The ‘Sasural Simar Ka’ actress lashed out at both of them for getting personal and comparing Sreesanth with her husband Shoaib Ibrahim. Shoaib, who is currently seen in ‘Ishq Mein Mar Jawan’, had penned an open letter supporting his wife, calling her ‘one in a million’.

Now, Srishty Rode’s boyfriend Manish Nagdev has shared an open letter on Instagram and Twitter, taking a dig at Dipika Kakar and questioning her silence when other housemates abused in the house.

Manish also slammed Shoaib’s open letter, calling it a PR exercise. He asked Dipika why she didn't act maturely and listen to Romil and Srishty when they were apologizing to her.

Check out his post! (Swipe right to read )

Manish's last line read, ''SRISHTY YOU ARE NOT 1 IN MILLION YOU ARE THE ONLY 1''. The actor clealry took a dig at Shoaib, who had called his wife, one in a million’.

It seems the battle lines have been drawn not only in Bigg Boss 12 house but outside the house as well.

On a related note, both Srishty and Dipika have been nominated this week for eviction along with Jasleen Matharu, Rohit Suchanti, Megha Dhade, Deepak Thakur and Karanvir Bohra

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