Bigg Boss 11: Vikas Gupta and Priyank Sharma's friendship bond is already broken since their rapport during 'BB Luxury' task. Now it is getting worst with each passing day.

In his Tweets, Vikas' brother Siddharth Gupta expressed his displeasure over Priyank Sharma for involving his mother in the task. Priyank wore a bikini and called him 'Guchipoo' somtehing that Vikas and his mother call each-other.

Check out his Tweets:


Vikas also made some personal comments on Priyank that he uses everyone to go ahead in the show and he used contestant(evicted now) Benafsha Soonawala as well.

Vikas' brother pointed out at his brother Vikas Gupta's faults as well. Well! who do you think is faulty?
Stay tuned for more Bigg Boss 11 news and updates.