New Delhi: Bigg Boss 11 contestants were in complete shock yesterday when wild card contestant Dhinchak Pooja entered the house. At one hand some of the contestants welcomed her warmly on the other hand, popular contestants like Shilpa Shinde and Hina Khan were totally in shock. Not just this, two were also seen making fun of her.

Twitter noted this behavior of Hina Khan and Shilpa Shinde and is saying that Dhinchak Pooja is better than them. Actually a video is going viral on Internet where, Hina asked Shilpa that does Pooja has lice in her hair and Shilpa says yes, she herself told me and I had asked for a medicine for her.

Check out this video:

Now check out Twitteratis reacted this behavior of Hina Khan and Shilpa Shinde:

Do you think Hina and Shilpa's this behaviour is justified with Pooja?

Stay tuned for all Bigg Boss news and updates.