But there has been a last minute entry in the list of the contestants that we will see in Bigg Boss house. Popular TV actor Hiten Tejwani, who is known for his role in hit shows ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ and ‘Pavitra Rishta’ will be seen in Bigg Boss. According to news in Bollywoodlife.com, “A source exclusively revealed to us that Hiten Tejwani, who is popular for his roles in Kutumb, Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi and Pavitra Rishta, will be entering the house this season as a contestant.Hiten has had a very good image in the industry for over 16 years.”
Hiten was last seen in &TV’s Ganga. His wife Gauri Pradhan too making comeback on TV with Colors TV show ‘Tu Aashiqui’. This TV couple is together from more than a decade.
Let’s see how Hiten maintains his peace in the house where people loose themselves. Bigg Boss 11 will start from October 1, as Salman Khan will host grand premiere of the show. This time theme of the show is ‘Padosi’. Some of the contestants like Hina Khan, Priyank Sharma, Vikas Gupta and Shilpa Shinde will get locked in the house on Saturday.