'Bigg Boss 10' contestant Lopamudra Raut is one of the strongest contestants on the show. She is known for speaking her mind and for her rivalry with co-contestant Bani J. Recently, while talking to Rohan Mehra, Lopa revealed something about her personal life which was not known earlier.
Lopamudra Raut (Photo: Colors)
According to a report on an entertainment portal, Lopa shared something about her college life when she was depressed due to some reasons.
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As it is known that, Lopa has an electrical engineering degree and she was a very bright student and used to top in her exams. But, in her last year of the college something happened with her which changed her life.
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According to BOC, as one of the teachers removed personal grudge on her, Lopa failed in her internal exams only with 1 mark in the last year of college. Due to which, Lopa was quite depressed that she failed and lost one year of her Engineering. But, now, she has no regrets because in that she started participating in Miss India and other beauty pageants.
Lopa with Manveer and Bani (Pic Credit: Colors)
Before 'Bigg Boss', Lopamudra has bagged the second runner-up spot at Miss United Continents in September 2016. After participating in beauty pageants such as the Femina Miss India and Miss Diva since 2013, Lopamudra finally represented India on an international podium.