While VJ turned actor Bani J is slowly and steadily moving ahead in the 'Bigg Boss 10' game, her BF Yuvraj Singh seems to be missing her alot! The TV actor recently, shared a cute picture on Instagram confessing his love for Bani, which will surely melt your heart.

Bani J with boyfriend Yuvraj Thakur

Though Bani is considered as one of the strongest contestants on the show, she is going through a roller coaster ride emotionally from the last few days, thanks to her bond with Gaurav Chopra and due to the cold behavior of other housemates towards her.

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Bani J had admitted to being in a relationship with ‘someone’ during a conversation with co-contestants inside the house of 'Bigg Boss 10' a few days back. And now, her beau Yuvraj Thakur has openly expressed his love for her.

Bani J with co-contestants in 'Bigg Boss 10'

The 'Bade Acche Lagte Hain' fame actor uploadeda photo on his Instagram in which Bani's hand can be seen. Yuvraj captioned the image as, "I love you till the end of time that has no end @banij #soulcompanion #littlechild #loveyoutilltheend".

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Now, this is adorable! What do you think?