Kushal Tandon, who appeared in 'Bigg Boss 7', is following the current season of the show which is evident from his tweets. Recently, Kushal Tandon shared his opinion about Bani J's behaviour on the show. Well, the interesting part is that Bani is the best friend of Kushal's ex-girlfriend Gauahar Khan.

Gauahar & Kushal fell in love in 'Bigg Boss 7' and later parted ways

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While Banji J is one of the most popular contestants on the show, but she doesn't share a good rapport with most of the contestants in the house. Bani doesn't interact much with majority of contestants and is cold towards them.

Bani with co-contestants Swami Om & Manu Punjabi

This has irked Kushal Tandon, who has tweeted the following about Bani:

When a fan reminded that, Bani is bestfriends with his ex Gauahar Khan, he tried to balance the situation by praising Gauahar.

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Here is the fan's tweet:

This is the reaction of Kushal on the fan's tweet:

Now, Gauahar's reaction on the same is awaited which will surely be interesting! What do you think?