Mumbai: Actor Rahul Dev, who got evicted from "Bigg Boss", thinks he was not fit for the controversial reality show, as he doesn't believe in picking up fights unnecessarily.
"I am happy that I am out of the house. I think I did not fit into the role of the "Bigg Boss" house. For me, this is a game. I am 104-films old and I have got love and support from people. I can't stoop low like Om Swami and Priyanka Jagga to sustain in the show," Rahul told PTI.
"I don't know plotting and all. I can't lose my dignity and values for a show. I have a 19-year-old son and I want to set a good example in front of him," he said.
Being an introvert by nature, Rahul initially took time to warm up to the environment, but became an integral part of the house in the consecutive weeks.
But owing to his less involvement in house-related matters, Rahul attracted criticism and was seen as someone, who is low on enthusiasm. He also steered clear of fights and arguments.
"People are pretending to have an affair on the show, unnecessarily screaming or yelling at each other. If this is the protocol of being in "Bigg Boss" then I am not into it.
I was not hypocritical. I was straightforward," Rahul said.
He insists that he wouldn't think of going on the controversial reality show "Bigg Boss" aired on Colors channel again, but if he had to go then he would be same as before.
"I have been righteous. Even if I am asked to go on the show again I will be the same. If it's boring, be it. I can't be ridiculously entertaining. I am educative enough to understand what is right and wrong. I am a responsible person," Rahul said.
During his time inside the house, Rahul shared a good rapport with Gaurav Chopra, Lopamudra Raut and Romania Mehra.
"My favourite are Rohan, Lopa, Gaurav, Manveer and Manu," he said.