New Delhi: Colors TV’s reality show Bigg Boss 10 is picking up the pace. On day 3, viewers got to see more of drama and fights between the celebrities and commoners. Commoners are giving sleepless nights to celebs. They also did a secret meeting in washroom to plan how to trouble celebs more.

Didn’t we told you that on day 2, Swamiji woke up all the celebs and asked for food, well that was part of their plan. Priyanka Jagga has plotted the plan and had asked swamiji to do that. Celebs, who are sevaks, had to get up unwillingly and make food for Swamiji.

While on the dining table, Rohan and Priyanka Jagga get in a heated argument. Priyanka then punishes Rohan asking him to wash her clothes. Being a sevak, Rohan had to obey it and he washed her clothes at night.

Swamiji soon realized that what he did as a player was wrong. He apologises to sevaks next morning. Though all the sevaks aka celebs forgive him but soon TV actor Gaurav Chopra informs Maaliks that Swamiji is bitching about them. Swamiji defends himself and says that commoners are using him against celebs. When all hear the commoners hear this version of Swamiji, they are baffled and say that Swamiji is playing double game.

Admist all this, the ‘Raaz’ game also took place in which most of the guesses by the celebs were wrong which landed them into a more messy situation.

But at the end of the day, very calm and composed, Rohan lost his cool. Reason was when Rohan was washing Priyanka’s clothes. Manu tries to create more drama by saying Rohan won’t be able to do anything in the house. Just at this, Rohan was not able to control his anger anymore and furiously said “ Yehi farak hai Aap Mein or hum mein.” Manu angrily rushed towards him but as he was about to hit Rohan    , Bani and other contestants came in between to stop the fight.

Well, now this has gone too far! Will Manu get punished by Bigg Boss?