New Delhi: Comedienne and actress Bharti Singh is having the time of her life with husband Haarsh Limbachiya. She recently celebrated her birthday on 3rd July and was flooded with wishes from entertainment industry.

But what made her birthday special was the gift from her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa. As per news, Haarsh tattooed Bharti’s name on his chest as a birthday present.

As per news in TOI, Haarsh took Bharti to a private villa in Lonavala. Talking about this, he tole leading portal, “Bharti had told me that I should never inked on my chest, but joy of inking her name and surprising her inspired me to go ahead. She was extremely touched and happy.”

On the other hand, Bharti said, “We spent quality time together. Haarsh always surprises me and after getting himself tattooed, he took me to Lonavala, away from public glare. It’s great when people recognise you, but it deprives you privacy. So, we felt that it was important to have quiet celebration rather than having a huge party.”

Check out these pictures:

Bharti and Haarsh got married on 3rd December 2017 and it was big fat destination wedding.