TV actors Juhi Parmar and Sachin Shroff, who decided to end their marriage after staying together for 8 years, have been granted divorce by the Bandra court. Reportedly, Juhi and Sachin remained cordial throughout the court proceedings and the divorce was amicable. Juhi and Sachin had filed for divorce on December 20, 2017. Juhi is reported to have not asked for any alimony. Also, it is Juhi who has got the full custody of their daughter with Sachin having the visitation rights.
Juhi and Sachin tied the knot in 2009.
While, in most of the cases, alimony is demanded, Juhi did not go by the norm. The couple was already living separately for 18 months now so the process of divorce was taken forward cooperatively.
‘I was shown like a VAMP and my ex-husband as BECHARA on a reality show’, says Juhi Parmar
Recently, during her appearance on a chat show, she said that their differences and incompatibility was the major reason for their divorce. She added that backgrounds, mindset, outlook and expectations were different which proved to play the role of a catalyst in their legal separation..
Juhi with Aashka
On the same show, where she appeared with her best friend and TV actress Aashka Goradia, she stated that her friend was by her side through this rough phase of her life. “I knew Sachin before our marriage but there was no courtship period as such. He expressed his feelings and we got married immediately after that. I was not fully convinced personally but his love was the biggest driving force. I thought that I will fall in love with him, but I still don’t know if I can label it as a love marriage,” Juhi said on the chat show.
Juhi gets the full custody of 5-year-old daughter
The actress also stated that even they have separated as a couple, they have not separated as parents and hence they will be always cordial for their daughter.
Juhi-Sachin with daughter Samaaira in happier times
On a related note, Juhi and Sachin tied the knot in 2009, the former couple was blessed with a baby girl, Samairra after 4 years of marriage. Cracks in the marriage first surfaced in 2011, but with the arrival of Samaira they reconciled and gave their relationship another chance but this time there was a no going back for the couple and they ended their 9-year-long marriage.
Juhi-Sachin got married in 2009
Now that Juhi and Sachin went separate ways, we wish both of them good luck for their respective future.