Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai actor Saumya Tandon gave birth to her first child, a baby boy on January 14, 2019. The actress shared the good news with fans on social media and even asked her fans to help her find the best name for her baby boy, to which the fans obliged. Saumya liked and kept screenshots of the fan handles whose suggestion she would consider, and finally, they chose the name Miraan.

While speaking to HT, the actress said “Though, the name suggested by a lady from Singapore was Miran, it was a girl’s name so I added an extra ‘a’ to it. It’s a Persian word and means king of kings. Finally, we registered the name as Miraan Tandon Singh. Many suggested Shaurya as well which is a combination of my name and my husband’s name Saurabh. But I wanted a unique name so Miraan it is.”

Karan V Grover shares INSIDE hospital picture of Saumya Tandon’s baby boy in deep sleep (PIC INSIDE)

The actress added that she will be sending a personalised gift to the fan who suggested this beautiful name.

Saumya tied the knot with banker husband Saurabh Devendra Singh in December 2016. The actress announced her pregnancy on social media through a series of photos in November, last year. She was widely appreciated for her maternity looks throughout her pregnancy journey.