New Delhi: Popular TV couple Palak Jain and Tapasvi Mehta tied the knot on February 10 in Indore in the presence of their family members and close friends. The two small screen celebs got married in a traditional Hindu ceremony. The pre-wedding festivities started with the haldi ceremony on February 7 and ended with the sangeet function on February 9. The newly married couple, after getting hitched, hosted a wedding reception for their friends and family.

Palak Jain & Tapasvi Mehta get married; Here are the wedding pictures!

Palak and Tapasvi’s friends from the TV industry including ‘Ishbaaaz’ actor Kunal Jaisingh attended the bash. Before getting married, Palak had said in an interview that she would go to New Zealand for her honeymoon.

PICS: Newly-married Palak Jain & Tapasvi Mehta host wedding reception for family and friends!

Palak and Tapasvi have finally jetted off to New Zealand to spend some quality time with each other. The two lovebirds shared a couple of pictures from their honeymoon on Instagram.

Tapasvi shared pictures with the caption, ''New Zealand vibes with - @palakjain786.’’

(Swipe right to see the photos)

Palak shared photos from their honeymoon on social media with the caption, ‘’just living.’’ The beautiful actress looked fresh as a daisy in these pictures.

On the professional front, Palak played the role of Nikki Mehra in Alt Balaji’s ‘Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain’. The second season of the show has started beaming its episodes from Valentine’s Day 2019 i.e. February 14. Tapasvi will be next seen in a feature film which will release later this year.

Interestingly, both Tapasvi and Palak started their career as child artists. While Palak shot to fame by playing the titular role in 'Sunaina', Tapasvi is known for his role as the teenage Ishaan in ‘Ishaan: Sapno Ko Awaaz De’.

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