Actress Manju Sharma, who was last seen 'Bhabji Ghart Par Hain' as Vibhuti aka Aasif Sheikh's mother is all set to enter 'The Kapil Sharma Show' as Chandan Prabhakar aka Chandu chai wala's wife Thandai Devi.
Kapil’s onscreen wife Sumona Chakravarti getting married to Kajol’s cousin Samrat Mukherjee ! SEE PICS
[caption id="attachment_63685" align="alignnone" width="460"] Manju Sharma was last seen 'Bhabji Ghart Par Hain' as Vibhuti aka Aasif Sheikh's mother[/caption]
Till now, Chandu's wife was said to be living in his village and now Thandai will enter the show dressed as a bride in her first episode. Apparently, she will finally come to stay with her husband and son Khajoor(Kartikey Raj).
SEE PICS: Karan-Bipasha at ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’; Newlyweds’ FIRST on-screen appearance post-marriage!
Known for her impeccable comic timing, Manju has also featured in several episodes of 'FIR' in various characters. She is also remembered as Girgit Mausi from Chidiya Ghar.
With her entry on show, Kappu (Kapil Sharma) will freely flirt with Lottery (Rochelle Rao) as Thandai will keep an eye on her husband.