New Delhi: Star Plus’ popular show Ishqbaaaz has wooed fans a lot of times with its chic fashion and empowering story sequences. But Gul Khan’s show has been in headlines from last few days for some shocking reasons. There has been strong speculations that lead actress of the show, Surbhi Chandna is going to quit the serial after leap. The reason for her decision to discontinue is that she doesn’t want to play a mother post the leap.

Well, here is another shocker for the ardent fans of Ishqbaaaz. Rumour mills are abuzz that Nakuul Mehta too is quitting the show. As per source of, “It’s true that Surbhi Chandana is quitting the show as the actress is not comfortable playing a mother on-screen but news of Nakuul playing his own son is not true. Both Anika and Shivaay will be replaced by new faces. Currently, their wedding sequence is being shot. But soon we will start auditioning for new faces as by next month the show will take a leap.”

When the portal contacted Producer Gul Khan, she said, “I am not replying to any questions for now as everything turns into controversy. I would just request you to wait for a week.”

Fans went berserk after hearing the news of Surbhi quitting the show and started #NoSurbhiNoIshqbaaaz movement on the internet. But Surbhi asked her fans to smile and stay calm.

We wonder, how fans will react after this double heartbreaking news of Nakuul also quitting the show. On a related note, Surbhi plays the role of Annika and Nakuul portrays Shivaay Singh Oberoi in the show.