Popular TV actress Avika Gor has set the internet on fire with her latest photo. Small screen's Anandi slipped into a bikini and flaunted her toned figure while striking a pose for the camera. Avika, who became a household name after playing the lead role in Colors TV's'Balika Vadhu', trended on social media after her bikini picture went viral.

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Avika, who enjoys a significant fan following on Instagram, posted the photo from her vacation on her official handle. She shared the picture along with a sunflower emoji. Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. They have lauded the 'Sasural Simar Ka' actress for her amazing transformation. 'Bigg Boss 8' contestant Sushant Divgikr called Avika 'water baby'. Check out the photo!

Avika grabbed eyeballs when she posted an inspiring post on Instagram in which she talked about undergoing major body transformation. Her post

"Our bodies deserve to be treated well, but I didn't respect it. As a result, I disliked the way I looked so much that I couldn't even completely enjoy dancing without thinking ''how I must look right now."

Last year, Avika Gor made her relationship with Milind Chandwani official by sharing a post on social media. She shared a photo of her boyfriend along with the caption, "My prayers have been answered. I have found the love of my life! (Shiroo ke alava) This kind human is mine. And I’m his.. forever.. We all deserve a partner that understands us, believes in us, inspires us, helps us grow & truly cares for us."

Also READ: TV Celebs Wish Avika As She Introduces Her Boyfriend 

On the work front, Avika Gor was last seen on the small screen in the show 'Khatra Khatra Khatra. The actress, who started her career as a child artist, has also featured in shows like 'Laado 2' and 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 9'. The TV star made her Tollywood debut with 'Uyyala Jampala in 2013'.

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