New Delhi: Ankita Lokhande recalled their time together in 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa' season 4, where she performed alongside the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. On Bigg Boss 17, she talked about a time in her life when she was quite possessive of the actor. Ankita was seen sitting and chatting with Isha Malviya and Abhishek Kumar on the Bigg Boss 17 live broadcast. Ankita told them, “Even there in the top 5 (of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa) I was not that focused. I used to go out for a walk. I used to even tell Nishant to forget about the competition and go out with me.”

Abhishek asked Ankita about Sushant Singh Rajput, "Woh kaha tak pohuche they? (Where was he reached in the competition)?" Ankita replied, "He was in the top 2. I had told him to haar jaana beta. Tu jeet gaya na toh bohot problem ho jayegi. Usko pehla 30 mila tha, I had so many issues, I was like how did you get full score (I had told him to not win the show because it would have created problems for me. I had issues when he scored 30)."

Then, Isha asked Ankita who was Sushant's dance partner on the show, the actor said, “She was a very good dancer. One day while dancing she jumped on him. Oh shit, godh me chadh gayi (she jumped on his lap). I was very possessive, av mai thik ho gayi hu thora. Av mai normal ho gayi hu (now I am better). I used to get angry about such small things.”

In the show, Sushant Singh Rajput partnered with choreographer Shampa. He was one of the top contenders, along with Ankita. After starring together in the popular daily soap 'Pavitra Rishta' on ZeeTV, Sushant and Ankita became popular. They split up in 2016 after dating for several years.

ALSO READ: Ankita Lokhande Claims She Knows What ‘Went Wrong’ With Sushant Singh Rajput