The trailer follows the journey of Avinash Sabharwal (Abhishek Bachchan), as he and his wife delve into the case of their kidnapped daughter, Siya. In the pursuit for justice, senior inspector Kabir Sawant (Amit Sadh) takes the lead of the case, amidst the hostile environment of the Delhi Crime Branch. Obstacles face the investigation at every turn, and as the couple get closer to the truth, the kidnapper’s unusual demands place them in a series of grievous situations.
Created and produced by Abundantia Entertainment, the all-new psychological crime thriller sees Bollywood superstar Abhishek Bachchan make his digital on-screen debut, playing a doting father in search of his missing daughter.
Prime members in India and over 200 countries and territories can watch all 12 episodes of Breathe: Into The Shadows from 10 July, in multiple Indian languages such as Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.