The girlfriend of the Late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, Rhea Chakraborty is currently being investigated by the CBI in his death case. The actress has to travel to DRDO house for questioning. According to information by the news agency, ANI the Mumbai police will provide protection to Chakraborty whenever she commutes from her residence to DRDO guest house. The Mumbai also clarified that this is being done at the request of the CBI.

ALSO READ| Rhea Chakraborty Summoned By The CBI Again After 10 Hours Of Interrogation In The Sushant Singh Rajput Death Case

On August 28 the actress was questioned for more than 10 hours. She was summoned again by the CBI today at 10.30 AM.

According to sources, Nupur Prasad has recorded the statement of the ‘Jalebi’ actress. Nupur Prasad is the officer leading the team of CBI in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case. Other than Rhea, her brother Showik Chakraborty, and SSR’s cook Neeraj and flatmate Siddharth Pithani were also being summoned by the CBI. According to sources of a news channel, brother Showik and Rhea Chakraborty were being questioned separately for checking inconsistencies in their versions. The CBI source also revealed the questions that were asked to the ‘Dil Bechara’ actor’s girlfriend. Rhea was asked questions such as where she was when Sushant died and who informed her of his death. On hearing the news of his death, why did she not visit the actor’s Bandra house and where did she see his body. Recently, a drug angle has also emerged after a few WhatsApp chats came to light showing conversations between Chakraborty and SSR's 'close friend' Siddharth Pithani over the usage of drugs. In the new WhatsApp group chat, the actress could be seen inquiring about the availability of drugs, stuff, rolling and doobies to Sushant Singh Rajput's friend and flatmate Siddarth Pithani.