New Delhi: At a private ceremony in Telangana, Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari recently got engagement. Even as reports of their marriage lingered, the actors shocked fans by confirming their engagement on Instagram. During the Galatta Golden Stars gala, Siddharth got candid about Aditi and their engagement. 

Siddharth and Aditi announced their engagement on March 27 but kept it a secret until the big day, leading some to speculate that they were married. Later, the celebrities announced their engagement on Instagram by posting a photo of their rings.

Sidharth on engagement

“Many told me we had done this (get engaged) in secret. There’s a big difference between doing something privately with family and in secret. The ones whom we didn’t invite think it’s a secret, but the ones who were there know it was private,” Siddharth said at the event.

Siddharth made light of the question by joking that it didn't matter when Aditi said yes as long as she did. He declared, “These questions on how long it took (for her to say yes) shouldn’t be asked. The end result must be either yes or no, pass or fail. I was worried whether it would be a yes, luckily I passed. The wedding date will depend on the elders (of the family) and what they say. It isn’t like a shooting date I can decide on, it’s a lifetime date. It will happen at the right time once they decide.”

Siddharth and Aditi work front

Siddharth will soon be featured alongside Kamal Haasan, Kajal Aggarwal, and Rakul Preet Singh in Shankar's ‘Indian 2.’ 

After a few setbacks, the movie, whose production started in 2019, is getting close to completion. 

The creators unveiled a brand-new poster on Saturday, revealing that it will be out in June of this year. The exact date has not yet been revealed. 

‘Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar', Sanjay Leela Bhansali's debut web series, will feature Aditi. The series will premiere on Netflix on May 1. She will also be starring in ‘Lioness’ and ‘Gandhi Talks’.

Also Read: Siddharth And Aditi Rao Hydari Are Engaged Not Married, Post Pictures Of Rings