New Delhi: Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, who is renowned for his unconventional films, seems to have an unique taste in office decor as well. The 'Satya' director has revamped his workspace in Hyderabad, now called RGV Den, and it has Ram Gopal Varma written all over it (not literally). Varma created this office, which is inspired by Ayn Rand’s philosophy from Fountainhead, almost a year ago. Netizens have rediscovered the videos now.
A Reddit user shared a glimpse of Ram Gopal Varma's office, aka RGV Den, and gave a peek inside the space. The video instantly caught the attention of social media users who are losing it after watching the clip. Some fans even suggested that the place might have been designed by actor Jackie Shroff, also known as Jaggu Dada.
Get a glimpse of RGV Den here:
Check out what fans have to say about it:
The director showcased the office architecture on his YouTube channel that echoes Ayn Rand's theory that an employee's workspace should be a reflection of their own thoughts. The place is filled with phrases, pictures, and other things that represent Varma's interests and highlights of his career.
Earlier, Ram Gopal Varma shared two videos on YouTube that gave a tour of the office from different perspectives. The entrance features photos of Ram Gopal Varma with actors like Nagarjuna and Amitabh Bachchan. The office space resembles a jungle with lush greenery, and every corner pays tribute to Varma’s journey in cinema. It also features photos of stars like Mia Malkova, Sridevi, Aishwarya Rai, and Sanjay Dutt.
ALSO READ: Flashback Friday: Revisiting Ram Gopal Varma's Satya, A Tale of Gangsters, Guns, And Guts