New Delhi: ‘Lal Salaam’ has begun its roll at the box office. Rajinikanth,  megastar who also happens to be Aishwarya's father, is among the cast members of the sports drama directed by Aishwarya Rajinikanth. 'Lal Salaam' opened to an estimated ₹4.3 crore nett in India on Friday, according to a report by On Friday, Lal Salaam's Tamil occupancy rate was 30.35 percent overall, with Pondicherry having the highest percentage at 39.25 percent.

Lal Salaam Release

The movie was originally supposed to be out in January, around the Pongal festival.

The revised release date was disclosed by Lyca Productions, the production company. With music composed by AR Rahman, the film is presented by A Subaskaran. 

After a seven-year hiatus, ‘Aishwarya Rajinikanth got back in directorial shoes for the film.

Resuming her directing career after a seven-year break, Aishwarya Rajinikanth directed the unity-promoting film ‘Lal Salaam’.

Fans went to theaters to celebrate the release in classic Rajinikanth fashion, as her father, the legendary superstar Rajinikanth, makes an extended cameo appearance in the film.

Lal Salaam Cast

Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth, who have been perceived as competitors since childhood, play the main characters in Lal Salaam. Rajinikanth portrays Moideen Bhai in the movie.

Apart from the main cast, the film features an ensemble supporting cast that includes Vignesh, Livingston, Senthil, Jeevitha, K. S. Ravikumar, and Thambi Ramaiah.

Lal Salaam Production

While a muhurat puja was conducted in December 2022, the main photography started on March 7, 2023, in Chennai. In Chennai, the first program concluded in April. In Mumbai, the second schedule started in May.That month, Rajinikanth also joined the schedule. That month, Kapil Dev, a former cricket player, also joined the schedule.

At first, the movie was supposed to open in theaters on January 12, 2024, which was Pongal. But in an unexpected change of events, the production company declared that the movie will instead debut on February 9, 2024, to make up for the post-production work's postponement and the premiere of Mission: Chapter 1 (2024).